Parts of Speech

ARTICLES are words such as a, an and the


NOUN names a person, animal, place, thing or idea (pencil, house, dog)


PRONOUN takes the place of a noun (I, who, we)


VERB shows an action or state of being (dance, go, buy, is)


ADJECTIVE describes a noun (the white dog; the angry girl)


ADVERB helps the main verb express time or mood (the boy just missed the school bus; we ate dinner late)


CONJUNCTION links words, phrases and clauses (pizza and pasta; blue or green)


PREPOSITION connects two nouns; describes place or position (below, down, across)


INTERJECTION expresses a sudden or strong feeling (Owe! Run! Hey!)

Below are several sets of practice activities to review the Parts of Speech:

Parts of Speech Set 1

Parts of Speech Set 2

Parts of Speech Set 3


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