Figurative Language

Common Types of Figurative Language include:

A comparison that uses "like or "as".

A comparison that does not use "like" or "as" but instead states that one thing is another thing.

A technique in which words resemble the real sounds they refer to.

An exaggeration used for effect.

Repeated consonant or vowel sounds at the beginning of words

Gives animals and inanimate objects human characteristics.

Using an object, mark or sign that stands for something else, such as another object, or for something that cannot be represented itself, such as an idea or quality.

Practice Activities for Figurative Language:

Literary Terms

Figurative Language Set 1

Figurative Language Set 2

Figurative Language and Examples

Figurative Language Examples

Figurative Language: Similes - Metaphors - Personification

Similes Set 1

Similes & Metaphors Set 1

Similes & Metaphors Set 2


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