Author's Purpose, Point of View, and Perspective

Author’s Purpose (the reason an author has for writing a selection)





To Persuade

To Inform/Explain

To Entertain

To Describe

To win over or convince the reader of something

To let the reader know something or to give information about something

To provide amusement

To tell about something in a way that allows the reader to picture it


Point of View (PoV) The view from which a story is told.

First Person PoV

Second Person PoV

Third Person PoV

The story is told from the viewpoint of a narrator using words such as I, me, my, mine and we to tell the story.

The narrator tells the story using the word “you.”

Often used in directions or recipes


Third Person Limited – the narrator tells thoughts and feelings from the perspective of one character.  Uses words such as he, she, it and they.

Third Person Omniscient – the narrator is all-knowing and tells the thoughts and feelings of ALL characters using words such as he, she, it and they.

Be careful in your writing – Don’t change PoV within one story!

Author's Perspective

Simply put - how the author feels about the topic being presented; Be aware of his/her bias.

What is bias?

Bias is to favor one point of view over another.  Many times authors show their bias through word choice.  To evaluate what you are reading, you need to be able to recognize bias.

Bias can also be explained as a personal opinion or judgment that a person has about a subject or another person.  There may be no facts to back up this opinion.  It is just the way the person feels.


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